Our home holds a hidden potential for our life
When we understand the language of home, we tap into its potential
When we change our home, we change our life
Design & Well-Being
Holistic ID 101: The first book in the 8 series collection uncovers the interconnected relationship between our home & our life, how each room impacts key aspects of our life. Learn this results-oriented approach to design & personal flourishing.
About Me
Hi! I'm Kimberly Garner, founder of the School of Holistic Design® and pioneer of NeuroSpatial Linguistics. I'm so excited to share the potential your home holds for your life and any area you are desiring meaningful change. My Holistic ID 101 book opens the doorway to an entirely new realm of possibility and probability for your outer life and inner world. You are going to LOVE what this means for your life!
Discover the power of your home & witness what unfolds.
Our home and mind share a relationship and communicate a hidden language. Once we understand the language, we're able to curate our home so it becomes a catalyst for our desires.
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