Those who travel 

beyond the obstacles 

will know a different life

 from that point on.


Navigating What Life Throws Our Way...

& moving beyond the obstacles

As long as we are human beings living in a physical world, we face ongoing demands & setbacks. Anything getting between us & the life we want to experience is "clutter". Being skilled at identifying & addressing the clutter in our world exponentially helps us move closer to the life we want.

Clutter is ANYTHING getting between you & the life you desire.

Clutter is more than the physical piles & unnecessary items throughout your home. Clutter is ANYTHING in your life which blocks you from your values, intentions & desires. So the question is...are you ready to clear the obstacles blocking you from the life you were born to experience? Are you ready to:

  • take an honest look into what's blocking you from the life you want to enjoy

  • understand the interconnection between what's showing up in your life & your clutter

  • discover how clutter shows up & what it's trying to tell you

  • discover the gift & opportunity clutter holds for your life

  • identify toxic clutter & get rid of it FOREVER

  • notice the chatter of clutter before it hijacks you

  • move beyond all forms of clutter with lifelong skills & navigation tools

  • be self-ish by dedicating space for awareness, curiosity & intentions for YOU & addressing what's overdue in order to enjoy the life you want

A La Carte Modules

Would you prefer choosing specific lessons? We intentionally designed the course to progressively build upon the sequence of information within each lesson. We recommend you move through each module as numbered. Consider C101 the prerequisite to all the clutter modules, as the content is fundamental to the entire Holistic Design philosophy...& we know you'll LOVE it!

The Life Design Method

  • Identify

    What do you want? How can we attain what we want if we don't know what "that" is? We're exponentially more likely to achieve our intentions once we identify (in visceral terms) what we desire. This is the beginning of every adventure!

  • Address

    Once we identify what we want, we address the obstacles getting in our way. We must look at both the internal obstacles held within our mind & the external obstacles in our life & home.

  • Align

    When our mind & our home communicate our intentions, values & desires, our life is set on a trajectory of our choosing...we know where we're going, we've cleared the obstacles & our internal & external environments support our vision. Forward Ho!

Moving Beyond Physical Clutter...

If it doesn't support the life you desire, it's clutter.

  • Desire & Discomfort

    Our clutter & the obstacles we face, no matter how great or small, offer us a gift & huge opportunity for moving closer to the life we desire. Knowing what we want AND knowing what we don't want plays a pivotal role in moving beyond our obstacles.

  • The 3 Categories of Clutter & Subgroups

    Physical, Mental & Emotional Clutter: All our obstacles fit into one of these primary categories with several subcategories influencing every aspect of our life.

  • Clear the Path

    Once we address the obstacles showing up in our internal & external experience, we move with greater ease toward the life we desire. Often our discomfort (aka obstacles & clutter) presents us with direct access to our "ideal" life, it's how we perceive it & work with it that's the difference maker.

Course curriculum

    1. Financial Clutter Module (6 minutes)

    2. Financial Clutter Tools & Perspectives (25 minutes)

    3. My Shameless Plug: What's Next? (13 minutes)

    4. Financial Clutter Wheel & Slides

About this course

  • $36.00
  • 4 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


& Founder

Founder Kimberly Garner

Kimberly Garner is the founder of School of Holistic Design® and pioneers NeuroDesign and NeuroSpatial Linguistics, a results-oriented and integrative approach to design and human flourishing based in epigenetics, neuroplasticity and higher consciousness. Kimberly's spent over 25 years studying, researching and practicing the intersection of design, science and the soul. Inspired by the complementary fields of epigenetics, neuroscience, behavioral science, environmental psychology, human ecology, coaching and design she created the School of Holistic Design® and the Life+Design Method.

What to Expect...

Once You Join The Clutter Course

  • What happens once I enroll?

    You'll receive an email welcome & receipt with a link outlining the details for your course.

  • What will I gain from taking the Clutter course?

    You'll receive key tools & understanding of the nefarious & myriad ways the obstacle of clutter interferes with our life, peace of mind & overall well-being. Once we address the obstacles showing up in our life (or hiding) we're better equipped to move with greater ease toward the life we want to enjoy & experience.

  • What are three takeaways I can expect?

    1. You'll learn 8 types of clutter blocking your desires. 2. You'll discover how to recognize & address the clutter mentally & hijacks you. 3. You'll learn how to diminish the interconnected grip clutter holds in your life & address its cyclical nature.

  • Is this a live course or self guided?

    This course was designed for you to go at your own pace. The material is potent, so allowing the information to soak in versus moving quickly through the material is recommended.

  • How is the 10 day pass different from the other price options?

    The 10 day pass offers a balance between moving through the chapters daily & at the lowest price point. I recommend one chapter per day or every other day. Once you begin the course, you'll have ten days to complete.

  • Please tell me about the "Philanthropy" price option.

    Philanthropy allows you full access to the course while extending scholarship funds to those interested in the course, yet not able to access the other price options.